Postcards From a Soul & Her Human

Divine Feminine Rising #45

Gina DiLalla Episode 45
Audio Player
00:00:00 | 01:06:56

In this episode, I provide an update on the meeting with my twinflame and insight into the circumstances surrounding that. I discuss how my outward life, including television content, dramatically reflects where I am on my journey into another timeline and the embodiment of my true self. I also share an interesting story of synchronicities that began with a psychic message containing only a name.

The song I was struggling to remember in the episode is not from the lead singer of Bread – but from the former lead singer of Chicago, Peter Cetera, and the song is The Glory of Love.

Material referenced:

Human Design Chart

The Gene Keys Golden Path

I receive no compensation or favor for posting this material.

For articles and social media links
Postcards From a Soul & Her Human
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